Hanging Basket - Nasturtium - Moonlight

Hanging Basket - Nasturtium - Moonlight


Tropaeolum majus


A prolific climber covered with unique buttercream blossoms. Beautiful hanging basket.

Color: Buttercream Yellow
Plant type: Annual
Height: 5-6 feet, Trailing
Site: Full sun
Days to maturity: 60-70 days
Plant spacing: 6-12”
Pinch: Not necessary

Growing Notes:

Transplant with warm weather. Provide strong trellising. Keep watered but allow soil to dry out in-between waterings.  Deadhead regularly.

Harvest Notes:

Harvest flowers just as they are opening for the longest vase life.  For foliage pick individual leaves or full vines once they become leathery, firm to the touch. Leaves and flowers are edible. Seeds can be pickled. 7-10 days vase life.

Pick up on Saturdays at Tea Lane Farm. See our COVID precautions here.

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